"ARENA"(French translated version)

 フランスの出版社H&O Editionsからのオフィシャルな(つまり海賊版ではない)外国語版、第二弾。
 収録作はフランス独自の編集により、『闘技場〜アリーナ(全五章)』(単行本未収録)、『天守に棲む鬼』『Hairy Oracle』『大江山綺譚』『メス豚の天国』(以上、単行本『天守に棲む鬼/軍次』に収録)、『非国民』(単行本『PRIDE』下巻に収録)。


This is a 2nd book translated in french, that is include 1 long and 5 short stories.
I'm glad that this 2nd book in non-japanese language is published, and want to say big thank you to the people who bought the last book in french "Gunji"!
Off course, I wish that the more people will be able to read my comics in their own languages. So, are there any publishers those want to publish another languages' version? I always welcome your contacts!

Click here to download the original free wallpaper for your PC.

The stories in this book are "Arena", "Hairy Oracle (L'Oracle)", "Hikoku-min (Un traitre a sa patrie)", "Mesubuta-no-Tengoku (Une truie au paradis)", "Tensyu-ni-Sumu-Oni (Le demon dans le donjon du chatetau)" and "Oeyama-Kitan (L'ogre la montagne Oe)".
About the detail, please check the site of H&O Editions.

Sample images  Arena  L'Oracle  Un traitre a sa patrie  Une truie au paradis  Le demon dans le donjon du chatetau  L'ogre la montagne Oe

148mm x 210mm (A5) / 224 pages / 18 euros / ISBN : 2-84547-137-8
Publisher / H&O Editions
published in July, 2006


I am sorry, but this product is not sold at this website.
But you can order it from H&O Editions direct.