投稿者「Gengoroh Tagame」のアーカイブ

I won a comic award in Germany

On Rudolph Dirks Award 2019, long-established comic award in Germany, I won The Best Artist 2019 – Asia – Scenario Award by ‘Der Mann meines Bruders’, German translated edition of ‘My Brother’s Husband’.

The book ‘Der Mann meines Bruders’ itself, it missed the prize but was also nominated as Best Society Drama – Slice of Life.

Rudolph Dirks Award: Winners 2019

Thank you for all who support my works especially fans in Germany!

New gay adult comics, T-shirts and other goods

I published new 8 pages gay adult comics ‘Izuna Gongen Kengen-roku (A report of a manifestation of Izuna gods)’ on free magazine Nippon Danji volume 7.

You can get the magazine at EAGLE TOKYO BLUE and some other place. More detail, check Nippon Danji’s webpage

And also they release some goods include T-shirts and stickers using the images from the comics. You can purchase them from their webpage. They accept international mail order. And also they said you get the magazine free with an online order, one customer said.

More detail, check the link below. You can download sample PDF of the magazine at there too.

And now, at EAGLE TOKYO BLUE in Shinjuku 2cho-me, the big prints of the comics pages are exhibited on the wall.

If you are in Tokyo, don’t miss it!